Earwig Control

Earwig Pest Control & Exterminators

Sacramento Earwig Treatments

Earwigs are more commonly known as pincer bugs and look far more intimidating than they really are. Their pincers are more for fighting amongst each other and not used for attacking other creatures. The problems they cause are severe infestations and damage to vegetation. They are extremely common in California gardens and landscaping where moisture is available. They are active at night and will nest in places that are typically under rocks, potted plants, mulch, and anything else that provides them with shade and coverage from predators.

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Earwig Prevention

Earwig prevention is largely focused on removing four things: Access, food, water, and shelter. Exclusion strategies will help prevent access by sealing up points of entry that earwigs will use to enter a home. This means sealing cracks and crevices in the foundation and walls and applying an exterior perimeter pesticide spray. Removing food requires the cleanup of all decomposing or decaying plant life that earwigs will use to feed on. Fresh plants will still provide a food source but if other attractants can be removed, you can minimize the impact that earwigs may have. Earwigs thrive in wet environments so cutting back on watering a certain area with high earwig activity may reduce the moisture levels, so they are forced to find a more suitable environment. Lastly, removing rocks, shrubs, and mulch that provide ground cover for earwigs will help remove their shelter. Potted plants can be elevated and cardboard boxes that earwigs tend to like can be removed and replaced. 

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(916) 791-2847

Earwig Treatment Options

All in One’s licensed and experienced earwig exterminators are trained to effectively eradicate any signs of earwigs on your property, so they no longer present a problem. We use an integrated pest management approach that combines several treatment strategies to combat earwigs.


All earwig services must start with an inspection of the property to identify problematic areas that show signs of earwig infestation. Our technicians will leave no rock unturned as they search through your landscaping for potential harborage points that earwig use to stay hidden during the day.

Local Spot Treatment

Earwigs usually congregate together so when they are found in large numbers, an area will be treated using a local spot treatment. This treatment will kill earwigs on contact and ensure that the are is no longer habitable by earwigs in the future.

Exterior Pesticide Application

In addition to local spot treatments, a pesticide will be applied to the exterior of the home. This will create a barrier of residual pesticides that will kill any earwigs that come in contact with the pesticide. This prevents earwigs from entering your home and keeps them outside.


Glue traps can be used with the other treatment options to help identify where earwigs are still active. These traps can be used inside and outside and will alert our technicians, so they know where to continue treatment.


The final stage of treatment is prevention. By implementing exclusion tactics, we can keep earwigs at bay. In addition to the exterior spray, sealing cracks and crevices will help prevent earwigs from gaining access to your home. 

Earwig Appearance & Behavior

Earwigs are easily identified by their large sets of pincers that make up the tail end of their abdomens. They look intimidating by are generally harmless since they typically can’t hurt humans, are not poisonous, and do not carry pathogens that spread disease. They are small insects that are nocturnal, so they stay hidden most of the day under anything that will provide them shelter from the sun and predators like birds and lizards. If there is enough cover for them to proliferate, they will breed rapidly, and their populations will explode in a short period. 

Earwig Diet & Damages

Earwigs feed at night when the darkness provides them with the coverage, they need to stay hidden. They are omnivorous scavengers who eat live plant materials, detritus, and other bugs dead or alive. When earwigs feed on other bugs, they tend to scavenge dead bugs but sometimes will eat aphids and other smaller bugs in their territory. They will also feed on bug eggs which sometimes provides a natural pest control against other pests. When they feed on plant life, earwigs tend to feed on the live sprouts right above where roots are. This causes the plant to be severed from the root ball causing the plant to die. In gardens and farms, this can cause extensive damages if conditions are optimal for earwigs to thrive. Be sure to look out for what looks like caterpillar damage on the lower parts of plants to see if earwigs may be a problem.

Do Earwigs bite?

Earwigs are not poisonous or dangerous to humans. Earwigs do not sting or bite. Their pincers are generally only used for self-defense, but if threatened they can pinch. Although, it is very unlikely for them to break the skin. Earwigs do not have venom, and there is no scientific proof that they actually go into your ears. There are no bite marks specific to Earwigs, and they generally do not hurt people.  

Can Earwigs fly?
Earwigs do have wings and some species can fly. However flying earwigs are not the best flyers and generally only fly for short distances.  

Contact All in One Pest Control to Help with Earwig Infestations

If you have been combatting earwig populations and not been able to get them under control, it may be time to enlist the help of professionals. All in One Pest Control has a team of licensed and experienced pest control technicians who are standing by, ready to come and inspect your property. Call today to schedule an inspection. Once we have identified where earwigs are a problem, we can create a customized treatment plan designed to effectively terminate all earwigs on your property. 

Earwig FAQs

  • Can pest control get rid of earwigs?

    Professional pest control experts at All in One know exactly how to find and treat earwigs effectively. We use an integrated pest management approach that tackles earwigs using prevention strategies with different treatment options to ensure maximum effectiveness. The treatment options we use include using pyrethrin as a residual pesticide which kills earwigs after coming in contact with the pesticide. 

  • What kills earwigs instantly?

    There are a couple of quick treatment options that kill earwigs instantly. Mixing rubbing alcohol and water will create an effective earwig treatment. Using boric acid and applying it under shaded areas where earwigs like to spend their days will also ensure that those areas are clear of earwigs.

  • Why are there earwigs in my house?

    Earwigs are typically outdoor pests that look for fresh vegetation to feed on. They will enter your home however, in search of better conditions if the outside is too dry, hot, or wet. Some earwigs will also search for resources and find their way inside because it is easy to access via cracks in your foundation.

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